Preparing for my first marathon I had no experience with the specifics of training plans. I have always had a strong foundation of athleticism, and I think that helped me to adapt. I trained with some level of consistency for about eight months. I enjoyed running so much, the happiness that I felt while running guided my pace and distance. I began to experience flow, not to be confused with runners high, more often. Although I was not aware of how it was coming about, I loved it. When it came to injury, I experienced soreness and blisters, but nothing stopped me from hitting the pavement. I trained at 10 am in the South Florida sun. To focus my efforts, I simply googled the average pace for women in my age group. I tried several shoes and landed on the OnCloud Cloudflow. I used compression socks and dynamic stretching for recovery and sore muscles. My diet consisted of high-protein and green meals. I found that my appetite grew tenfold so I kept healthy snacks on hand. Towards the end of my training, I began experimenting with gels but wasn’t using them effectively. I also maintained strength training, lifting much less than I did in the past and higher rep ranges. Most importantly I remained consistent and became stronger overall both mentally and physically.
I arrived at the race location, 4 hours from my home, the day prior. I wanted time to relax, the race started the next day at 0700. Prior to this date, I’d set out for a goal time of a sub 4:30. That morning intuitively I knew I could like up with the 4-hour pacers. It was chilly than I expected at 7 am, my training runs were at 10 am when the Florida sun was high and so was the temperature. The cooler temp of about a 15-degree difference would be to my benefit. I remember being so nervous and knowing that once I took the first step there was no stopping until the finish line. The pacer was great she talked a lot, and she told us when to take our gels, which is when I realized I’d been doing it all wrong. I’d learned through reading the experiences of other new runners to never leave your pacer. So, the entire race I stuck right by her side. I was surprised at how easy it felt. The race was tracked on an app called Race Joy which allowed my friends and family to send me cheers through my phone. Getting those shoutouts here and there gave me a mental boost. At mile 20 I couldn’t hold back anymore it felt too effortless, and I’d never hit a wall before and that day wouldn’t be the day I would, I broke away from the pacer. From then on, I ran in my solitude it felt amazing. Seeing the post that read MILE 25 I summoned up all the energy I had remaining and sprinted it out. When I crossed, I was a bit winded but walked it off. I couldn’t believe 3 hours 56 minutes had passed it felt like maybe an hour. The feeling of accomplishment and mental and physical toughness can’t be expressed. I was in love.
Goal: 4 Hours 30 Mins - Finish: 3 Hours 56 Mins 15 Seconds
